Who is the most powerful and most beautiful Lion species Many of us believe that there is only one kind of lions exist in the world because most of the lions that we see on TVs and in parks look very similar to us. However, you will be surprised to know the truth is otherwise. "From the vast savannahs of Africa to the dense forests of India, around seven remarkable species of lions exist today." These are 1. Katanga lion 2. Congo Lion 3. Transvaal Lion 4. Barbary lion 5. Nubian Lion 6. Asiatic lion and 7. West African lion Animation is created by 4 Ever Green Subscribe for more : http://bit.ly/4EverGreen Suggest a topic for video: https://forms.gle/xYoVeokPeoiZMqBz5 For copyright matters please contact us at: contact@4evergreen.org
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