14 Most Aggressive Guard Dogs in the World

14 Most Aggressive Guard Dogs in the World Subscribe To Our Channel : http://bit.ly/4EverGreen 4 Ever Green is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people, beautiful animals and cute things that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! On 4 Ever Green, we will help you in mindset productivity, whether it's how to make more money videos, beautiful animals, cute birds or going over the biggest mansions in the world, we show everything here! Make sure to subscribe for more awesome videos every week! Most people would agree that one of the best ways to secure your family, home or any other property is by getting yourself a good guard dog. Guard dogs are usually endowed with traits such as confidence, strong powerful muscles, high speed, sharp sense of smell and sight, high level of inteligence and a natural instinct to protect. These four-legged friends are also known for their unbowed loyalty and devotion towards their owners. On the downside, if these dogs are neglected or not properly trained, these same strengths could quickly turn to weaknesses. Genes or environment; is one of the most debated topics when applied to who is the most aggressive of them all when it comes to Man’s Best Friend. It goes without saying that any dog that goes through a neglectful, abusive or even life-threatening situation is more likely to become abusive. But the paramount question still remains, does that mean these are bad dogs On the other hand, some dog breeds were bred with hunting and killing stamped in their genes. However, despite some breeds having been bred for all aggressively possible purposes, there are still outliers from those breeds. Hello guys, welcome to another episode of 4 Ever Green! In this video, we explore the 14 Most Aggressive Guard Dogs and you should stick around for #1 as I will reveal to you who rules the anger management classes in the Canidae Family. The dog breeds we’re going to showcase in this video were put through a Temperament Test that measures the dog’s shyness, aggressiveness as well as friendliness and self-preservation in the face of a threat. The readings are in % of the passing rate meaning that the dog with least percentage in the passing rate is the most aggressive. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4EGYT Twitter: https://twitter.com/4EverGreens For more videos and articles visit our website: https://www.4evergreen.org/ family friendly pg clean #4evergreen #beautifulanimals #dogs For Any Copyright Concerns, Contact Us at our email address. We will act upon your query immediately.

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