10 Rarest Completely White Animals

From the legendary king of the jungle looking as delicate as a snowflake to the shocking secrets behind Snowflake the albino gorilla! Here are ten of the most incredible and stunning albino animals ever! Subscribe to Epic Wildlife http://goo.gl/6rzs5u 10: The White Lion There is nothing quite like seeing one of your favorite animals turned abnormally pale. Is your brain playing tricks on your eyes Not quite… And for that matter, there’s something magical about seeing the King of the Jungle be a gorgeous shade of white. These massive felines are a genetic anomaly. 9: Albino Raccoon You can find raccoons just about anywhere in North America, and they have an adorable, bandit-type quality to them. But it’s not quite as easy to spot an Albino raccoon, for they are extremely rare. 8: Albino Squirrels White squirrels can be found all over North America. However, it's unlikely that you'll ever spot an albino one. White squirrels are super rare, and albino squirrels are even more rare and look like mini unnatural monsters. And although they look similar - they are not the same. 7: Albino Zebra The albino zebra, also known as the blonde zebra is by far one of the most fascinating wild animals in the world. A photographer recently captured some amazing photographs of one while on an expedition in Tanzania. While filming zebras near a watering hole, he spotted the very elusive white zebra, which comes with a golden mane and dusty pale stripes. 6: Albino Axolotl The axolotl is most definitely one of the coolest creatures ever. Also known as the Mexican walking fish, it's a type of salamander, and like other salamanders, the axolotl is able to regrow its limbs if they get cut off. 5: Albino Hummingbird Finding an albino hummingbird sitting outside your balcony is like finding a leprechaun in your basement. It is incredibly rare and very unlikely to happen. 4: Albino Kangaroo At a German zoo, an albino kangaroo was born just recently. And yes, she was born from an albino mother. While this is a very rare occurrence, what happened next is quite frankly shocking. 3: Albino Alligator Everyone knows that alligator babies are adorable. When alligators are first born, they are perhaps some of the cutest baby critters in the world. Of course, they eventually grow into terrifying lizards that will eat you at the first opportunity. 2: Snowflake the Gorilla If you've never heard of Snowflake the albino gorilla before, you may have been living under a rock. Snowflake was arguably the second most famous gorilla in the world. 1: Migaloo the Albino Humpback Whale The last character in today's video is another very famous animal. Migaloo is considered to be the most famous humpback whale on earth. The remarkable creature was first seen in 1991 off the coast of Australia by a group of volunteers who had been conducting a count of local whales. #rarestanimals #albinoanimals #rarestspecies #epicwildlife

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